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Unlocking Success: Proven Telesales Tactics to Skyrocket Your Final Expense Sales!

Unlocking Success: Proven Telesales Tactics to Skyrocket Your Final Expense Sales!

Popularity of Telesales for Final Expense Life Insurance

In the evolving landscape of insurance sales, telesales for final expense insurance is rapidly gaining traction as a preferred method among agents. This approach not only streamlines the process but also aligns perfectly with the needs of the modern consumer who seeks convenience and immediacy. However, the glittering promises of high earnings often don't reveal the full picture—real net gains can be much lower after expenses and chargebacks. In this article, we delve into effective strategies and necessary infrastructure that empower agents to maximize their sales and manage the challenges that come with telesales, setting the stage for a profitable and sustainable career in the competitive world of final expense insurance.

Reality Behind the Hype of High Monthly Premiums

Despite attractive claims within the industry that suggest agents can secure $15,000 to $20,000 in monthly premiums, the reality can be quite different. It's crucial for new agents to understand that these figures often don't take into account the deductions for chargebacks and operational expenses. Realistically, after these deductions, the net earnings could be considerably lower, around $5,000 per month. This understanding is vital to setting realistic expectations and planning financially for a career in telesales (Insurance Forums).

Infrastructure Needed for Successful Final Expense Telesales

Initial and Ongoing Client Engagement

  • Immediate Post-Sale Follow-up: Contacting the client within four days of the initial sale is critical. This contact serves to confirm the client's understanding and commitment to the policy. It's an opportunity to address any second thoughts and reinforce the benefits of the coverage.
  • Draft Date Coordination: Aligning draft dates with clients' financial inflows, such as social security payments, significantly enhances the likelihood of successful transactions. Providing reminders a few days before these dates helps maintain financial consistency and reduces defaults.
  • Continuous Engagement: Regular engagement through cards or calls on birthdays and holidays keeps the relationship warm and can lead to high retention rates and referrals. Such touches make clients feel valued and not just like another sales number.

Advanced Communication Strategies

  • Personalization: Leveraging data to personalize communications can significantly impact client retention. Address clients by name, reference specific needs they've expressed, and tailor your messages to reflect these details. Personalization shows clients that they are heard and understood, which is crucial for trust-building.
  • Utilization of Technology: Employ CRM systems to automate follow-ups, ensuring no client is forgotten. These systems can send automatic birthday greetings, policy renewal reminders, and personalized holiday messages, increasing client engagement without significant manual effort.

Commission Timing

To mitigate the risk of chargebacks, agents can negotiate with carriers to receive commissions based on the premium payment date rather than the policy issue date. This policy gives agents a buffer period to solidify the client's commitment to the policy, thereby reducing the likelihood of early policy cancellations leading to chargebacks. This approach not only protects the agent's earnings but also aligns the interests of the client and the carrier in maintaining the policy (Lead2Client).

Managing Chargebacks and Client Persistency

Achieving a high persistency rate, where clients keep their policies active, is essential for long-term success in insurance telesales. While a 70% persistency rate is considered good, striving for 80% or higher is ideal. This goal can be achieved through meticulous client selection, thorough needs analysis, and continuous engagement. Understanding the common reasons for policy cancellations and addressing these proactively with clients can further help in reducing chargebacks and improving overall profitability (Insurance Forums).


Final expense telesales offers a dynamic and potentially lucrative career path for agents willing to adopt a client-centered approach and invest in building robust sales and follow-up processes. By understanding the nuances of client interactions over the phone and utilizing advanced CRM tools, agents can significantly enhance their effectiveness, leading to higher satisfaction rates among clients and ultimately, a more successful career in the insurance industry.

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Unleashing Your Potential: Strategies to Elevate Your Life Insurance Sales

Unleashing Your Potential: Strategies to Elevate Your Life Insurance Sales


In the competitive world of life insurance, success is not just about effort—it's about strategic execution. At Legacy Agent, we empower our agents to exceed their sales goals by turning challenges into substantial achievements.

Blueprint for Success

Envision submitting three to five applications each week, with each application carrying a $75 monthly premium. Thanks to our advanced commission structure—110% advance on nine months' premium paid monthly—agents can earn a weekly income ranging from $2,970 to $4,950, amounting to $154,440 to $257,400 annually.

Achieving an 80% placement rate can yield a net annual income, after subtracting $18,000 in marketing costs, of between $105,552 and $187,920. Enhancing the placement rate to 90% boosts potential earnings to between $120,996 and $213,660.

Net Income Calculation
  • Marketing Cost: $400 per week for 45 weeks totals $18,000 annually.
  • Net Annual Income at 80% Placement: $105,552 to $187,920 after marketing costs.
  • Net Annual Income at 90% Placement: $120,996 to $213,660 after marketing costs.
Enhancing Field Underwriting

Field underwriting is crucial for assessing client risks accurately and streamlining policy issuance, especially for simplified issue products:

  • Detailed Health Questionnaires: Include comprehensive queries about all medications, their dosages, purposes, and history.
  • Medical History Analysis: For significant health events like heart attacks or cancer, document the diagnosis date, treatment dates, and any subsequent health developments.
  • Regular Updates: Maintain up-to-date client health information to ensure coverage remains appropriate as their situation changes.
Utilizing Tools and Technology

Legacy Agent equips its agents with a powerful quoting tool that allows the input of clients' prescriptions and significant health events to determine the best carrier for the risk. This tool streamlines the decision-making process and increases the efficiency of policy issuance.

Training and Support

Legacy Agent is committed to supporting its agents through comprehensive training and mentorship. We assist in navigating complex cases and choosing the right carrier on a case-by-case basis. Agents can reach out for support by email or schedule a discussion for detailed case analysis, ensuring they feel confident and well-supported in their decision-making.

Enhancing Customer Interaction

Utilizing comprehensive CRM systems like InsuredMine can streamline your client interactions, ensuring no opportunity slips through the cracks. Such systems help track key performance indicators, manage leads effectively, and provide data-driven insights to refine your sales strategies (InsuredMine CRM).

Competitive Analysis and Unique Selling Proposition

Understand your competition and carve out your niche by offering unique services or better terms. For instance, providing superior customer support or faster claim processing can set you apart. Tailoring insurance solutions to individual needs can also serve as a strong differentiator in a crowded market (McKinsey & Company).

Real-World Strategies for Client Engagement
  1. Quality Over Quantity: Prioritize the quality of your field underwriting to ensure clients receive the right coverage, which helps minimize cancellations and enhances the quality of your submissions.
  2. Regular Client Communication: Building trust through consistent communication not only helps in retaining clients but also encourages referrals. Regular updates and check-ins can lead to higher client retention and satisfaction (Life Insurance Manager).
  3. Leveraging Digital Tools: Implement tools that automate routine tasks, such as policy management and client follow-ups, allowing you more time to focus on strategic activities that drive sales (Life Insurance Manager).

At Legacy Agent, we are more than just a team; we're a community committed to growth and excellence. By prioritizing quality submissions and mastering field underwriting, you're not just meeting targets but building a sustainable and lucrative career. Every application is a step towards your success—make each one count!

Face-to-Face Sales vs. Telesales in Final Expense: A Closer Look at Earnings and Client Relationships

Face-to-Face Sales vs. Telesales in Final Expense: A Closer Look at Earnings and Client Relationships

When it comes to selling final expense life insurance, agents often grapple with the decision between face-to-face and telesales approaches. Each method has its unique set of benefits and challenges, particularly when focusing on this niche market that serves primarily to cover burial costs and associated end-of-life expenses. Based on firsthand accounts and industry insights, let’s explore these two sales methods in the context of final expense insurance to help you decide which could better serve your career and client needs.

The Real Cost of Telesales in Final Expense

Telesales, with its convenience and broad reach, allows agents to contact multiple prospects quickly from virtually anywhere. However, the realities of selling final expense insurance through this method involve more than just dialing numbers. A colleague previously working in a well-known telesales operation shared that despite generating $20,000 in monthly premiums, his net income was only around $5,000 after significant lead costs and chargebacks. This highlights a common scenario in telesales where the overhead costs can quickly erode gross earnings.

Final expense clients, who are often older or in poorer health, require trust and clarity, which can be challenging to establish over the phone. Telesales often targets a demographic described as low-income and less educated, which poses its own set of ethical considerations. Agents must navigate these waters carefully to build sustainable careers. The transactional nature of telesales emphasizes volume over relationships, which can lead to high initial sales but also high rates of cancellations and chargebacks. This means the impressive top-line numbers you hear about are often significantly reduced by these factors.

The Value of Face-to-Face Interactions in Final Expense

Conversely, face-to-face sales might seem traditional but come with invaluable benefits and distinct advantages in selling final expense policies. Another peer, a seasoned face-to-face agent, found that this method facilitated deeper client relationships, which were crucial for long-term loyalty and referrals. These are not just perks but necessities for those aiming for a sustainable and rewarding career in life insurance sales.

An experienced agent noted that his earnings and client satisfaction were significantly higher when he engaged with clients directly. During the pandemic, when he switched to telesales, he saw a spike in the number of policies sold but a drop in actual income due to higher operational costs and increased chargebacks. His return to face-to-face sales marked a significant improvement in both his job satisfaction and financial stability.

Making the Right Choice for Your Career

For agents considering their approach to selling final expense life insurance, it’s crucial to weigh these factors. Telesales might seem appealing for those looking to maximize outreach with minimal physical effort, but it requires managing high overhead costs and potentially higher client turnover and chargebacks. Face-to-face interactions, while requiring more time and travel, foster deeper connections, often leading to more stable and profitable long-term outcomes.

Ultimately, the decision between telesales and face-to-face sales in final expense insurance should align with your personal strengths, career goals, and preferred client interaction style. Understanding the real net earnings and the nature of client relationships each method brings can help you build a more satisfying and enduring career in the life insurance industry.

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Strategizing Financial Success: Navigating Advances on Paid on Issue vs. Paid with Premium vs. As-Earned Commissions in Life Insurance Sales

Strategizing Financial Success: Navigating Advances on Paid on Issue vs. Paid with Premium vs. As-Earned Commissions in Life Insurance Sales

In the life insurance industry, the compensation structure for agents is a fundamental aspect of their financial management and operational strategy. This compensation typically takes the form of commissions, which can significantly vary based on several factors such as the policy size, the product type, and the insurer's specific commission structure. Life insurance products like Final Expense and Simple-Issue Term usually offer the highest commission rates due to their larger profit margins for the company. Agents typically receive a significant percentage of the premium paid during the first year, often with contracting starting between 90% to 120%, followed by renewal commissions that can last up to a decade, depending on the company's policy.

For agents, a pivotal decision in their financial planning is the choice between advanced commissions and as earned commissions, each with its implications for cash flow and risk management. Advanced commissions provide agents with immediate income upon the issuance of a policy or when the premium is paid, acting as a financial bridge during the initial, often challenging, phase of building a book of business. This upfront payment is essentially a pre-payment of future commissions based on the expected premiums and must be managed carefully due to the risk of chargebacks if the policyholder fails to continue paying premiums. This risk is particularly accentuated in scenarios of remote sales, especially with commissions paid on issue, where maintaining strong client relationships might be more challenging.

As earned commissions, on the other hand, are paid out as the insurer receives premiums from the policyholder, aligning the agent's income more directly with the financial performance of the policy. This model can offer a more stable and predictable income flow but requires the agent to have a reliable and ongoing business to ensure consistent earnings. As earned commissions tend to reduce the immediate risk of chargebacks since the commission is paid out in tandem with the premium payments, offering a financial model that may be more sustainable in the long run for agents with established client bases.

Choosing between advanced commissions for policies paid upon issue or with premium and as earned commissions is a strategic decision that impacts an agent's financial stability and risk exposure. While advanced commissions can offer critical financial support, especially to new agents, they also necessitate diligent management of client payments and the inherent risk of chargebacks. Conversely, as earned commissions might offer a slower start but potentially lead to a more sustainable income, emphasizing the importance of building a solid and reliable clientele.

Agents must therefore carefully consider their personal financial needs, risk tolerance, sales strategies, and the specifics of their client relationships when deciding between these commission structures. This decision not only affects their immediate financial situation but also their approach to client engagement and long-term business growth in the competitive landscape of the life insurance industry.

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Legacy Agent, LLC
41000 Woodward Ave, East Ste #350
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

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