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  • +1 (888) 479-9888 x401
  • +1 (248) 461-3360 x401


41000 Woodward Ave
East Ste 350
Bloomfield Hill , MI


  • Mon to Thu - 9AM to 5PM EST
  • Friday - 9AM to 2PM EST
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Agent Queries

Schedule some time to talk about any topic that interests you. From what we offer agents to contracting and training or help with an upcoming case.

+1 (248) 461-3360 x401

Answers come from active insurance producers. Not from office reps or recruiters


The first step is to schedule some time to talk. If we decide we’re a good fit able to help your business grow and prosper then contracting is the next step to succeeding with Legacy.


Legacy Agent, LLC
41000 Woodward Ave, East Ste #350
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

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