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Editorials for Mortgage Protection

The Purpose of a Great Presentation: Mortgage Protection Part Two

The Purpose of a Great Presentation: Mortgage Protection Part Two

In the second part of delivering a great mortgage protection presentation we’ll continue with our in-home conversation. The design of this presentation is to provide you with natural shifts in your conversation so you can stop to answer any questions along the way without missing a beat.

Now that you have explained the different goals of having multiple life insurance plans it’s to move into the field underwriting potion of your presentation.

Demystifying the Underwritten World

Demystifying the Underwritten World

One the most frustrating aspects for insurance agents moving from Final Expense products to Mortgage Protection products is understanding the underwriting. All of a sudden your cases are being inundated with questionnaires, table rated, or worse declined. In fact this frustration has led many agents to leave the industry altogether as they are battling chargebacks from final expense and declines from mortgage protection.

Working Mortgage Protection Leads

Working Mortgage Protection Leads

Since the mortgage bubble of 2008 the Mortgage Protection market has been steady increasing providing a great opportunity for life insurance agents looking to either get back into the market or start selling in this market.

There are two schools of thought when considering working leads in this market. The first is working leads with data on current mortgages, meaning those mortgages closed in the past week or data on those mortgages closed six to twelve months ago (aged data). Choosing which one is best for you is another matter.

Understanding Living Benefits

Understanding Living Benefits

More and more insurance carriers are offering Living Benefits built in to their products where an insured can accelerate a portion of their life insurance benefit. Some carriers make it part of their term products while others its part of their whole life portfolio. While working the mortgage protection market these features can be a great selling tool for most any age group.

Almost everyone 30 years and older has either personally experienced or is close to someone who has experienced a family member going through a chronic or critical illness. Understanding exactly what is defined by each will help you close the sale by driving the need.



Legacy Agent, LLC
41000 Woodward Ave, East Ste #350
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

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