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Editorials by the Skipper

How to overcome “I already have that covered” objection

How to overcome “I already have that covered” objection

This is an objection I find more prevalent in working the Mortgage protection market, although it does rear its head in Final Expense as well. Most people site the life insurance they have from their work place as enough coverage for their needs or they have enough money in the bank to cover the cost of a burial.

If you are lucky enough to be sitting in front of folks that feel this way you have the opportunity to educate and enlighten your prospect. The very first words that should be said are to compliment the prospect on planning ahead and considering the need for life insurance and the different goals in your life it addresses.

The Absence of Salesmanship is the Art of Salesmanship

The Absence of Salesmanship is the Art of Salesmanship

My career in life insurance sales has undertaken different stages of growth that are independent and distinct from one another. It is a path I’ve seen other life producers take, who have been in the industry a long time, leading them to success. As we all are looking to succeed, taking a closer look at the path others have taken is worth discussing.

How to increase income by understanding lead generation

How to increase income by understanding lead generation

Regardless of the life insurance market you choose to work activity is the key to success. Meaning having people to talk too is what we all need, and the more the better. Understanding how lead campaigns work will maximize your income and reduce your expenses.

Those people that are generated from leads be they referrals, purchased, or both. They are generated through lead campaigns which include seminars, directmail, telemarketed, internet, pre-approach letters, and your skills at gaining referrals.



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41000 Woodward Ave, East Ste #350
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

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