We all know that 2020 was a difficult year for our business. If you sold life insurance over the phone then you were less impacted. Those of us who sell face-to-face struggled. In listening to agents some are wanting to wait until Covid is completely behind us.
For those of you who are fulltime life insurance producers depending on that income to provide for your family, then that decision will be devastating. It will be the middle of summer at best before life returns to something resembling normal. It will take a couple of years for the economy to come back to pre-pandemic levels.
So the choice is either get back to work or try and find a new profession. If you’re choosing another profession, then I bid you goodbye and good fortune. If you are a true entrepreneur and want to succeed in life insurance sales, then activity is what’s going to get you back in the game.
In the end I finally just had to take the chance realizing there was no such thing as a magic bullet. People were not going to be standing at the door waiting for me pull up holding their checkbook. I was going to have to work the insurance leads to make a sale.
Recognizing that procrastination is the kiss of death…I placed an order for mortgage protection leads. It was either that or just get out the business and go back working a regular job. Knowing that doing so maybe I could come back later when I had the money.
The problem was I didn’t have extra money to spend when I was working for the man before so, what was going to change? Nothing. So, I took the risk. That was over ten years ago and I have never looked back. The change I had to make during 2020 and starting in 2021 was going back to setting aside a bit more of my commissions to marketing reducing my spendable income. That decision is paying off as each week I have to set aside less to marketing getting back to the spendable income I was used too.
The key is always activity…taking the chance and getting back to work in the business I love and the lifestyle my family deserves. My message to those who are choosing to stay in the life insurance business is to take the chance and buy leads every week and start selling. Don’t procrastinate.
If you are working either the final expense or mortgage protection markets, there are quality final expense leads and mortgage protection leads available for contracted agents at Legacy. You can use these leads for either phone or face-to-face sales.
Are looking to get into Phone sales? Choosing the proven turnkey mortgage protection leads comes with the all scripts and mentoring you need to succeed in phone sales!