Success Through Partnership defines our past, present and future direction.

We understand that each life insurance agents’ situation is unique. The one-size fits all approach of most every other organization leaves most agents frustrated with group calls and meetings offering solutions that do not reflect the real world environment of your situation.

At Legacy we believe in one-on-one mentorship to support our agents in the field. Whether you’re new to the industry or a seasoned life insurance producer we all need a little help now and again. Our senior team has more than 55 years of experience in every area of insurance sales and we’re still active in the field selling the same leads as our agents.

We do have on-line life insurance training for our core markets of mortgage protection and final expense as well as a growing library of training presentations designed to answer the questions that plague us all. Pair that with your mentorship team for those unique situations and clients and your platform for success is just around the corner.

Mentors are but a phone call away. Whether that call comes from your office or while you are seating in front of a client we’re there to answer your questions. Questions on which marketing platform is best for your goals, contracting with new carriers, or which life insurance product is best for your client we are here to support you.

If what you see here is something you would like to be part of then Contact Us today to speak with a member of the Legacy team.

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Legacy Agent, LLC
41000 Woodward Ave, East Ste #350
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

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