American National: Agent Alert: Band Changes

Band Changes Effective 10/1/2018, American National adjusted the underwriting bands on all existing life insurance products in order to allow preferred rate classes at $250,000. Overview of changes: 1. Premium and underwriting bands changed for all products. 2. The maximum Xpress face amount is $249,999. 3. The minimum Xpress Plus face amount is $250,000. How did the bands change? •If a band ended at $250,000, it ends at $249,999 after 10/1.

•If a band ended at $250,000, it ends at $249,999 after 10/1.

Overview of changes:
1. Premium and underwriting bands changed for all products.
2. The maximum Xpress face amount is $249,999.
3. The minimum Xpress Plus face amount is $250,000.

If a band started at $250,001, it starts at $250,000 after 10/1.
Application Date:   Application Received &
Processed Date:
  The client will receive:
Before 10/1/2018 + Before 10/1/2018 = Pre-10/1/2018 Bands
Before 10/1/2018 + On or After 10/1/2018 = Post-10/1/2018 Bands
On or After 10/1/2018 + On or After 10/1/2018 = Post-10/1/2018 Bands


Legacy Agent, LLC
41000 Woodward Ave, East Ste #350
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

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