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Editorials for Life Insurance

How to present successfully

How to present successfully

The times are a changing. If you don’t change with it your ability to connect with prospects in a meaningful way will suffer. Know your market; be up-to-date on current events that are impacting your potential clients.

If you are working mortgage protection; how was the area you are working affected from the housing debacle of 2008? A basic fear is losing what they have spent time building up again. Should they suffer an unplanned event (either passing away prematurely or a catastrophic illness) how will their surviving families keep their home?

How to succeed with Aged Leads

How to succeed with Aged Leads

As we embark on a new, but familiar, $7 lead generating system for mortgage protection the worry for all of us is quality. It certainly was mine. Most of us have experienced the “aged lead” programs from some of the largest IMO’s out there.

They have been sold several times over-and-over to agents within the organization and passed off as a great lead. Compensating agents with 55% to 70% commissions, or less for some products, with the expectation that you’ll make a living and want to recruit to this program.

Is your IMO acting ethically?

Is your IMO acting ethically?

The first thing we think about when we hear the term “ethics” is our interaction with our clients. After all ethics is part of the CE credits we need every two years to keep our license in force, so we can continue providing our services and make a living.

So why then does ethics go out the window when some IMO’s conduct the business of their agencies?

Don’t get me wrong there are IMO’s that do act ethically in their day-to-day business. Unfortunately, it isn’t the IMO’s that promote recruiting as the first order of business.

Three Ways to Break a Sales Slump

Three Ways to Break a Sales Slump

Finding yourself in a sales slump is depressing as well as discouraging. You’re doing everything you know to do; calling leads, following up, and seeing prospects. Nothing seems to come out of it draining your financial cushion.

The first thing to realize is that this is perfectly normal. Sales slumps are part of the dynamic of being a salesperson especially when selling life insurance; the opposite is also true of peak periods. Slumps are bound to happen right after a good steady run. Here are a few ways to push through.



Legacy Agent, LLC
41000 Woodward Ave, East Ste #350
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

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