facebook™ - Standard

What makes these facebook™ leads as qualified as direct mail leads?
- We know that direct mail is still one of the most qualified lead generating campaigns, albeit at a very high cost with ever lowing returns, due to the calls-to-action a client takes to complete the lead. With that said, facebook™> generated leads are going to be part of the future in lead generation increasing both in quality and closing ratio as the market grows.
- Secondly, unlike other vendors offering facebook™ leads, these are the most qualified facebook™ leads you'll find in the industry.
A prospect needs to complete 12 steps to be considered a lead making the quality as close to direct mail as you can get.
Life Insurance is mentioned more then once with questions regarding any current coverage is asked. - Thirdly, like our other lead programs, these facebook™ leads have never been previously sold or worked by another agent instead they are always fresh and exclusive to you backed by the vendor for quality.
- Lastly, is turn-around time. Instead of a 4 to 5 week turn-around time for direct mail, facebook™ leads, in most cases, only take a 24 to 48 hours to fill an agents order.
Are these leads generated by Legacy?
- No. These leads are generated, managed, and distributed by an outside vendor. As a Legacy contracted agent you qualify for a discount on any leads you order as well as a deeper discount for a weekly standing order.
How many appointments can I expect and what is the average closing ratio?
- The reason this facebook™ lead program is so popular is because they are exclusive and never sold to other agents even those outside of Legacy. There are two significant factors to closing more appointments; targeting the right prospects and product availability. Legacy offers the carriers with products that will give you the opportunity to meet every prospects condition.
- The vendors advertised results of target marketing along with our product availability means you’ll set more appointments and close up to 25% of these leads. Couple this with our supporting material on working those unreachable leads and you could add another 10% to those numbers.
Can I buy these leads by the each to get started and how much do they cost?
- Yes, the minimum order is 20 leads after which you can purchase any amount that fits with budget and income requirements.
- The cost is $17-$25 / Lead (varies by state) and $20 each for Recurring Weekly Orders, 3 week minimum commitment, 2 week cancellation notice requested.
Do I have to buy life insurance leads through Legacy to get contracted?
- No. Legacy is not a lead house. Bringing our agents another way to generate leads is one of the reasons we sought out an outside vendor. The second, is the request from agents who want a faster turn-around time to get started. Internet exclusive leads offer that quick turn-around time from order to received leads; usually within a couple of days your leads are starting to come in.
What is the Quality Guarantee?
- The vendor will replace leads that have a disconnected phone number, factious address, or a language barrier. These are handled directly through the vendor. Legacy does not manage any aspect of these leads nor can Legacy speak to quality or results.