North American - IUL How to Sell - Video
In this video the idea client target, several proven sales concepts will be discussed. Also, from the last video on products, you’ll be conceptually chosen the product to fit an ideal client and the sales concepts.

North American - IUL Mechanics - Video
In this video we’ll be talking about the mechanics of IUL. You'll have a basic understanding of how Indexed Universal Life works across any of our IUL carriers.

North American - IUL Features - Video
In this video several product features, additional benefits as well indexing talking points that will further make using an IUL an excellent choice for your clients.

North American - IUL Illustration Tips - Video
In this video you’ll learn how to run an illustration using a North American IUL product as well as some additional tips that will help you better tailor the policy to your clients.

North American - IUL Index Crediting - Video
In this video Index crediting will be explained. IUL Indexing uses the stock market as a measure, therefore, your clients have the upside potential without the downside risk.