How to use UL/IUL in Mortgage Protection

How to use UL/IUL in Mortgage Protection

Universal Life and Indexed Universal Life insurance can be designed as a flexible, low premium insurance policy that offers the option to provide permanent death benefits and cash value growth potential for the Mortgage Protection market.

These can be designed primarily for the mortgage protection market, UL/IUL can provide at least 20 years of coverage by paying the minimum premium, based on current illustration assumptions. It can also serve as an alternative to term products and has applications for the personal and business markets where there is a need for a fixed or indexed universal life product.

Direct Mail Leads: where’s all the promises?

Direct Mail Leads: where’s all the promises?

If you’ve been in the life insurance sales business for a while, then you’ve also worked direct mail leads. Whether they were final expense or mortgage protection you’ve ordered them be they “B” leads or fresh you tried and frustration was the result instead of closing.

You’ve heard the promises like, “Our leads are the best on the market…”, “Agents are making $100K + a year on our direct mail…”, or the best one “We absolutely can generate leads in your area…” only to find your returns are low, nobody is buying, or you get three or four leads in your area.

Is your FMO/IMO Earning your Trust

Is your FMO/IMO Earning your Trust

Is your FMO/IMO acting ethically regarding your career? After all a course in ethics is required every two years to maintain your life insurance license. The FMO/IMO in this case is the seller of value and you as a producer is the recipient expected to trust in the value the FMO/IMO is promising.

We’ve all heard the promises, “We have Exclusive A leads;” $10 Exclusive “A” Telemarketed Leads;” “High Contracts;” “Free Leads;” the list goes on and on. The picture is painted that the grass is greener on our side the fence. However, when we get there you find out the details realizing yet again you were handed promises that rarely come to fruition.



Legacy Agent, LLC
41000 Woodward Ave, East Ste #350
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

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